St. Pius Tenth Church | Faith Formation
Finding God
The Catholic Connections Handbook
The Catholic Faith Handbook
The Catholic Connections Handbook
Chapter 32
Games (all chapters)
Chapter 1
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 19
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 50
Chapter Reflections
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Option #1: Quiz
Multiple Choice
1. In the _______, the deacon or priest invites us to share a sign of Christ's peace with one another.
Fraction of the Bread
Lord's Prayer
Sign of Peace
2. _______ means our union with Christ and one another, especially when we eat and drink his Body and Blood.
A Litany
The Eucharist
3. _______ is when the priest breaks the consecrated bread into smaller pieces so it can be shared with everyone.
Fraction of the Bread
orans posture
Sign of Peace
4. _______ is the consecrated bread andwine as well as our gathering at the Church.
The Eucharist
The Lord's Prayer
5. In the Lamb of God, we recall _______.
A. the power of the Holy Spirit
B. the Last Supper
C. Jesus as our Paschal Lamb
D. the gifts that God has given us
6. The Eucharistic Prayer asks God to change the bread and wine and to change us, so we can _______.
A. pray with the Church
B. grow in love and mercy
C. do good works
D. become one body in Christ
7. The main reason we come to Mass and the thing that gives us strength throughout the week is _______.
A. Communion
B. the Lord's Prayer
C. the Sign of Peace
D. the Fraction of the Bread
8. A litany is a form of prayer in which _______.
A. the congregation bows their heads to pray in silence
B. the priestor deacon asks God to do something
C. the priest or deacon invokes the power of the Holy Spirit
D. a leader begins a dialogue and people respond by repeating a phrase
Short Answer (Optional)
Almost immediately after we share in Communion, the Eucharist sends us forth to spread the Gospel message and to love and serve others. What is the best way to do this?
Option #2: Three Questions You Still Have
Enter your questions below and press the submit button.
Option #3: A Summary of What You Learned From the Chapter
Enter your summary below and press the submit button
Option #4: Complete Reflections Using Prompts
Use at least two of these prompts for your reflection and press the submit button:
"I wish..."
"I wonder..."
"I have learned..."
"I still have questions about..."