St. Pius Tenth Church | Faith Formation
Finding God
The Catholic Connections Handbook
The Catholic Faith Handbook
The Catholic Faith Handbook
Chapter 10
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 14
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 16
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 37
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter Reflections
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Option #1: Quiz
1. Jesus cast out the moneychangers from this.
A. blasphemy
B. crucifix
C. Paschal Lamb
D. Passion
E. Pharisees
F. Pontius Pilate
G. ransom for many
H. salvation of all
I. Suffering Servant
J. Temple
2. Metaphor from Isaiah that describes Jesus' suffering and death to save us from sin.
A. blasphemy
B. crucifix
C. Paschal Lamb
D. Passion
E. Pharisees
F. Pontius Pilate
G. ransom for many
H. salvation of all
I. Suffering Servant
J. Temple
3. Refers to the events of Jesus' persecution and torture before his death.
A. blasphemy
B. crucifix
C. Paschal Lamb
D. Passion
E. Pharisees
F. Pontius Pilate
G. ransom for many
H. salvation of all
I. Suffering Servant
J. Temple
4. Metaphor from the Book of Exodus that describes Jesus' sacrifice of himself to save us from sin and death.
A. blasphemy
B. crucifix
C. Paschal Lamb
D. Passion
E. Pharisees
F. Pontius Pilate
G. ransom for many
H. salvation of all
I. Suffering Servant
J. Temple
5. Roman leader who gave permission to have Jesus executed.
A. blasphemy
B. crucifix
C. Paschal Lamb
D. Passion
E. Pharisees
F. Pontius Pilate
G. ransom for many
H. salvation of all
I. Suffering Servant
J. Temple
6. Metaphor from Roman society that describes how Jesus freed us from sin and death.
A. blasphemy
B. crucifix
C. Paschal Lamb
D. Passion
E. Pharisees
F. Pontius Pilate
G. ransom for many
H. salvation of all
I. Suffering Servant
J. Temple
7. Saw Jesus as a threat who could lead the common people to rebel against their teaching.
A. blasphemy
B. crucifix
C. Paschal Lamb
D. Passion
E. Pharisees
F. Pontius Pilate
G. ransom for many
H. salvation of all
I. Suffering Servant
J. Temple
8. God's purpose in the death of Christ
A. blasphemy
B. crucifix
C. Paschal Lamb
D. Passion
E. Pharisees
F. Pontius Pilate
G. ransom for many
H. salvation of all
I. Suffering Servant
J. Temple
9. The official crime Jesus was charged with.
A. blasphemy
B. crucifix
C. Paschal Lamb
D. Passion
E. Pharisees
F. Pontius Pilate
G. ransom for many
H. salvation of all
I. Suffering Servant
J. Temple
10. The symbol of Christ's death, transformed into the symbol of freedom and eternal life.
A. blasphemy
B. crucifix
C. Paschal Lamb
D. Passion
E. Pharisees
F. Pontius Pilate
G. ransom for many
H. salvation of all
I. Suffering Servant
J. Temple
Short Answer (Optional)
What does Jesus' death mean for all Christians? What does his death mean to you?
Option #2: Three Questions You Still Have
Enter your questions below and press the submit button.
Option #3: A Summary of What You Learned From the Chapter
Enter your summary below and press the submit button
Option #4: Complete Reflections Using Prompts
Use at least two of these prompts for your reflection and press the submit button:
"I wish..."
"I wonder..."
"I have learned..."
"I still have questions about..."