St. Pius Tenth Church | Faith Formation
Finding God
The Catholic Connections Handbook
The Catholic Faith Handbook
The Catholic Faith Handbook
Chapter 17
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 14
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 16
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 37
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter Reflections
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Option #1: Quiz
Multiple Choice
1. Two important concepts that are fundamental to understanding the liturgy and the Sacraments are _______.
A. symbols and rituals
B. words and symbols
C. disposition and the Communion of Saints
D. actions and grace
2. What is the difference between a sign and a symbol, in terms of the Sacraments?
A. They are the same thing and are used interchangeably.
B. The words come from different language roots.
C. A sign is a simple object that directly represents something else, and a symbol represents more than a physical reality and often has multiple, complex meanings.
D. Signs are actions, and symbols are words.
3. Which of the following is an example of a covenant symbol found in sacramental rituals?
A. darkness
B. consecration with oil
C. fire
D. statues
4. Which of the following is an example of a nature symbol found in sacramental rituals?
A. laying on of hands
B. light
C. icons
D. the Sign of the Cross
5. What do we mean when we say a Sacrament is efficacious?
A. The Sacrament effects change in us and in the world.
B.The transforming grace of Christ's actions is poured into the hearts of participants.
C. Jesus himself acts in and through the ritual.
D. all of the above
6. What is a Sacrament?
A. an efficacious sign of grace
B. an avenue of grace instituted by Christ
C. a reminder of the life, ministry, and message of Jesus
D. all of the above
7. Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist are _______.
A. Sacraments of Healing
B. Sacraments of Christian Initiation
C. Sacraments at the Service of Communion
D. none of the above
8. Holy Orders and Matrimony are _______.
A. Sacraments of Healing
B. Sacraments of Christian Initiation
C. Sacraments at the Service of Communion
D. none of the above
9. The Sacraments of Penance and Reconciliation and of Anointing of the Sick are _______.
A. Sacraments of Healing
B. Sacraments of Christian Initiation
C. Sacraments at the Service of Communion
D. none of the above
10. Which of the following describes a sacramental?
A. an action or object that is sometimes accompanied by a special prayer
B. a symbol or ritual related to the Sacraments that was instituted by the Church, not by Christ
C. a symbol or ritual that may help us to prepare for the Sacraments
D. all of the above
Short Answer (Optional)
What is grace, and what does it empower us to do? Name four kinds of grace and briefly describe each.
Option #2: Three Questions You Still Have
Enter your questions below and press the submit button.
Option #3: A Summary of What You Learned From the Chapter
Enter your summary below and press the submit button
Option #4: Complete Reflections Using Prompts
Use at least two of these prompts for your reflection and press the submit button:
"I wish..."
"I wonder..."
"I have learned..."
"I still have questions about..."