St. Pius Tenth Church | Faith Formation
Finding God
The Catholic Connections Handbook
The Catholic Faith Handbook
The Catholic Faith Handbook
Chapter 18
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 14
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 16
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 37
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter Reflections
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Option #1: Quiz
1. Faith formation and religious education continue our preparation for receiving this Sacrament with the bishop, which helps us to receive the Holy Spirit in a deeper and more profound way.
A. Baptism
B. Baptism of blood
C. catechumen
D. Confirmation
E. Holy Spirit
F. nicodemus
G. sacramental character
H. Sacraments of Christian Initiation
I. salvation
J. temptation
2. Baptism provides the grace for resisting this.
A. Baptism
B. Baptism of blood
C. catechumen
D. Confirmation
E. Holy Spirit
F. nicodemus
G. sacramental character
H. Sacraments of Christian Initiation
I. salvation
J. temptation
3. Baptism is one of these.
A. Baptism
B. Baptism of blood
C. catechumen
D. Confirmation
E. Holy Spirit
F. nicodemus
G. sacramental character
H. Sacraments of Christian Initiation
I. salvation
J. temptation
4. Someone in the process of Christian initiation
A. Baptism
B. Baptism of blood
C. catechumen
D. Confirmation
E. Holy Spirit
F. nicodemus
G. sacramental character
H. Sacraments of Christian Initiation
I. salvation
J. temptation
5. An indelible mark conferred by Baptism, marking us as a spiritually reborn person belonging to Christ.
A. Baptism
B. Baptism of blood
C. catechumen
D. Confirmation
E. Holy Spirit
F. nicodemus
G. sacramental character
H. Sacraments of Christian Initiation
I. salvation
J. temptation
6. The Sacrament that is the beginning of a new life in Christ.
A. Baptism
B. Baptism of blood
C. catechumen
D. Confirmation
E. Holy Spirit
F. nicodemus
G. sacramental character
H. Sacraments of Christian Initiation
I. salvation
J. temptation
7. When someone who wants to be baptized is killed because of that desire, he or she is said to have undergone this.
A. Baptism
B. Baptism of blood
C. catechumen
D. Confirmation
E. Holy Spirit
F. nicodemus
G. sacramental character
H. Sacraments of Christian Initiation
I. salvation
J. temptation
8. In Baptism we first receive this into our lives.
A. Baptism
B. Baptism of blood
C. catechumen
D. Confirmation
E. Holy Spirit
F. nicodemus
G. sacramental character
H. Sacraments of Christian Initiation
I. salvation
J. temptation
9. Jesus tells this person that we must be born of water and the Spirit.
A. Baptism
B. Baptism of blood
C. catechumen
D. Confirmation
E. Holy Spirit
F. nicodemus
G. sacramental character
H. Sacraments of Christian Initiation
I. salvation
J. temptation
10. The Sacrament of Baptism is necessary for this because it restores our relationship with God.
A. Baptism
B. Baptism of blood
C. catechumen
D. Confirmation
E. Holy Spirit
F. nicodemus
G. sacramental character
H. Sacraments of Christian Initiation
I. salvation
J. temptation
Short Answer (Optional)
Describe the essential actions and symbols used during the Rite of Baptism.
Option #2: Three Questions You Still Have
Enter your questions below and press the submit button.
Option #3: A Summary of What You Learned From the Chapter
Enter your summary below and press the submit button
Option #4: Complete Reflections Using Prompts
Use at least two of these prompts for your reflection and press the submit button:
"I wish..."
"I wonder..."
"I have learned..."
"I still have questions about..."